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08.10.2013 21:08
robson homes pe, how does it paddle antworten

Hi there, I can read German, but not write it well. So I Ask in English and hope for some answers, in a language I understand (English German Dutch)

I am paddling a probe 11 at the moment. And like it a bit, but i am not sure how long it will live (it is used/abused before I got it). (I think royalex is not my cup of tea)

I have had a big dog force that did not do it for me.

Can someone compare the homes to any of those 2 or an other boat I have paddled (sp fly/ ocoee).
i guess the thigns you want to know are:
stability primair an secondair
does it turn
does it roll
is it dry.


08.10.2013 23:10
RE: robson homes pe, how does it paddle antworten

Hi Lennart,

can't tell you much about the homes in Pe but I own an armerlite one.
Compared to other boats in the 3m range like the Detonator it is faster, some might say much faster. The downside though is that it doesn't turn as good as other boats. Just sat in an Occoee once, but I'd say it turns a bit easier. My experience whith the Probe is very limited too. But my impression was that the Homes turns better than the Probe though.
It doesn't feel very stable in the beginning. Still I would say there is quite a bit of secondary stability. But I'm not saying the Homes is a very forgiving boat.
Is it a dry boat? Not in my opinion. But it isn't a very wet one either. Obviously it's not exactly made to float on top of big waves and it wouldn´t be my prefered boat for steeper rivers either.
The rolling is all right and the armerlite version is fitted with a bulkhead and a lot foam on the sides. So after rolling the remaining amount of water in the boat leaves the Homes still kind of manouverable - a big plus. You might want to apply extra thighstraps or modify the original bulkhead though. (Well, the PE version does have Straps allready I think...)

So the bottom line for me is: I still like the Homes a lot for little easier rivers. The bigger the waves and/or the smaller the edddies the more I prefer my Detonator or a C1.

Hope that helps a bit...

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